拍馬屁 英文

我的老板喜欢我们奉承他。 he flattered her about her cooking. Pat a horse on its hind guarters; It turns my stomach to hear him flatter. My boss likes it when we flatter him.

拍馬屁 英文
人大代表拿「廁所革命」拍馬屁 習近平一臉尷尬 民視新聞網

拍馬屁 英文. 给老板拍马屁 toady to the boss; Pat a horse on its hind guarters; 所以,用英文我们可以说“ kiss up to ”。. Apple polisher 长毛垂耳狗、会拍马屁的人 in english: 比如:don’t kiss up to me!. I know what you are up to!.

Pat A Horse On Its Hind Guarters;

Apple polisher 长毛垂耳狗、会拍马屁的人 in english: 所以,用英文我们可以说“ kiss up to ”。. I know what you are up to!.

比如:Don’t Kiss Up To Me!.

(this term, 拍马屁 , is the simplified form of 拍馬屁.) notes: 我的老板喜欢我们奉承他。 he flattered her about her cooking. Brownnose 动词,即“用彩虹屁来吹捧”。 he has been brownnosing everyone in the company just to get a bigger office.

给老板拍马屁 Toady To The Boss;

谄媚的, 奉承的, 拍马屁的 in english: Slap 人馬 英文翻譯 : forces; It turns my stomach to hear him flatter.

My Boss Likes It When We Flatter Him.

Troops 屁 英文翻譯 : hip 拍某人馬屁 英文翻譯 : try to gain sb's favour by flattery etc 拍某人馬屁, 奉承某人 英文翻譯 :. “to pat a horse's buttocks”. 在英語中,當人們形容那些善於拍馬屁的人時,這些都是溫和的貶義詞。 where there is a flatterer, there is also a fool

I Think It's An Attempt To Curry Favor.

拍马屁, 汉语词汇 ,拼音:pāi mǎ pì。.

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