名詞子句 That

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. About press copyright contact us creators advertise developers terms privacy policy & safety how youtube works test new features press copyright contact us creators. My mom told my sister and me ____ she would take us to the concert of our favorite singing. Focus your studying with a path.

名詞子句 that
英語中的同位語是什麼,用法有哪些 每日頭條

名詞子句 that. That名詞子句 的句型:that + s + v (+o) that可以引導名詞子句,單純擔任符號的角色,所以後面加完整的子句結構s+v (+o)。. Joe believes ____ he’ll become a doctor one day. Focus your studying with a path. My mom told my sister and me ____ she would take us to the concert of our favorite singing. About press copyright contact us creators advertise developers terms privacy policy & safety how youtube works test new features press copyright contact us creators. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

That名詞子句 的句型:That + S + V (+O) That可以引導名詞子句,單純擔任符號的角色,所以後面加完整的子句結構S+V (+O)。.

Joe believes ____ he’ll become a doctor one day. My mom told my sister and me ____ she would take us to the concert of our favorite singing. → 副詞子句 when you came in 說明了我吃晚餐的時間。.

How Do You Want To Study Today?

The question is whether he knows how to ring up a sale. 例 4:i was having dinner when you came in.(你進來的時候,我正在吃晚餐。. Focus your studying with a path.

想想看三:從以上例句 9 和 10 中,推知這種整個子句當作主詞的用法,視為第幾人稱?是單數,還是複數?[ 核對答案 ] 想想看四:看了以上的四個用法之後,你應會覺得,這種「That + 名.

About press copyright contact us creators advertise developers terms privacy policy & safety how youtube works test new features press copyright contact us creators. 所謂名詞子句, 就是把一個句子當作名詞來用 名詞的一般用途是主詞或受詞, 所以名詞子句也一樣當作主詞或受詞, 只不過它是個句子 比如說 i don’t know his name. 答:從屬連接詞 that 用法 既可以引導結果副詞子句, 也可以引導目的副詞子句。.

例 5:We Will Cancel The Picnic If.

▶ i know (that) you are sad. That引導 名詞子句 時,that只是個表示名詞子句的符號,後面接的是 完整子句s + v (+o)。. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

我知道你很難過。 這邊的 That 是連接詞,用來連接「I Know」和「You Are Sad」兩個子句,而後半段的「That You Are Sad」就是所謂的名詞子句。That 當連接詞時,後面都是用來帶出子句。That 的名詞子句在句子裡有幾種不同的位置,來看看以下五種情況吧 👀。 See More

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