案件 英文

案件的英文: law case legal case judicial case. 公诉案件 case of public charge [prosecution]; The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order. 自诉案件 case of private charge [prosecution];

案件 英文
律所网站翻译之常年法律顾问的英文如何表达? 译问

案件 英文. 案卷材料 materials in the case. 【案件】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:legal case[法] 法律案件;case(實)例,事例; 情況,狀況; 訴訟(事件),案件,判例; 容器(箱,盒);law case[法] 法律案件,訴訟案;。. Case law case legal case judicial case cause. 参考例句: the case is headline news. It may also refer a civil case under its own jurisdiction of first instance to an inferior people's court for trial. ① 「 故事英文 」是什麼? 英文故事知多少?文青必備小說各種說法.

自訴案件 Case Of Private Charge [Prosecution];

Their case is now under discussion. It may also refer a civil case under its own jurisdiction of first instance to an inferior people's court for trial. 案外人 person other than involved in the.

案件成了头条新闻。 An Alarming Increase In Cases Of Indecent Assault,Eg Rape 强奸猥亵.

案件的英文: law case legal case judicial case. 案件发回 remand/rimit a case (to a low court) 案件名称 title of a case. 【案件】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:legal case[法] 法律案件;case(實)例,事例; 情況,狀況; 訴訟(事件),案件,判例; 容器(箱,盒);law case[法] 法律案件,訴訟案;。.

Case 英 [Keɪs] 美 [Keɪs] N.

自诉案件 case of private charge [prosecution]; The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order. ① 「 故事英文 」是什麼? 英文故事知多少?文青必備小說各種說法.

公訴案件 Case Of Public Charge [Prosecution];

处理英文翻译 deal or cope with. 案卷材料 materials in the case. Case law case legal case judicial case cause.

参考例句: The Case Is Headline News.

公诉案件 case of public charge [prosecution]; 案外人person other than involved in the case.

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